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5 EASY Cocktails with Raspberry Gin

Raspberry Gin has to be one of the biggest selling flavours for Gin. People say Pink Gin of course, but of course Pink isn't a flavour, so Pink is synonymous with Raspberry!

In this video, I have 5 Fun & Easy Cocktails for you. Created so you can make them at home. But of course, all my creations wouldn't be out of place on a Pub or Bar menu. So feel free to utilise these and maybe make money from them!

Whitley Neill Raspberry Gin

The Raspberry Gin I have used is Whitley Neill Raspberry Gin. It does have a healthy hint of Juniper, but it's also very raspberry forward which makes it the perfect Raspberry Gin for Cocktails and Long Mixed Drinks.

Raspberry Gin Cocktails

Cocktail Recipes from this Video;

Cocktail 1

Bramble Riff

Glass; Rocks

15ml Giffard Framboise De Ronce

Garnish; Raspberry + Mint

Cocktail 2

Fruity Raspberry Punch

15ml Monin Mango Syrup

90ml Fentimans Tropical Soda

Garnish; Dehydrated Pineapple + Pineapple Spear

Cocktail 3

Raspberry & White Chocolate

15ml Amaretto

30ml Cream

Garnish; Biscoff Biscuit

Cocktail 4

Apple Punch

10ml William Fox Milk Chocolate Syrup

45ml Apple Juice

45ml Tonic

Garnish; Raspberry Kebab

Cocktail 5

Raspberry Spritz

Glass; Spritz Glass

15ml Giffard Framboise De Ronce

30ml Pampelle

75ml Fever Tree Mediterranean Tonic

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