I often get asked for other Cocktails you can make with the ingredients you have in your Bars, basically so you don't have wastage and end up throwing things away. So today, we're looking at Passion Fruit Puree and I'm showing you other Passion Fruit Cocktails you can make other than the Porn Star Martini.
Hurricane - Traditional Rum World Version
50ml Planteray OD
25ml Boiron Passion Fruit Puree + Syrup
25ml Lemon juice
Hurricane - Commercial Version
40ml Planteray 3 Stars
20ml Planteray OD
25ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Orange Juice
15ml Lime Juice
25ml Passion Fruit Puree + Syrup
Passion Fruit. Pineapple, Orange & Lime remaining constant.
Of Course you could even swap the Orange & Pineapple for Mango for example...
1) Coconut Rum
40ml Planteray 3 Stars 👉️ 60ml Planteray Cut & Dry
20ml Planteray OD
25ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Orange Juice
15ml Lime Juice
25ml Passion Fruit Puree + Syrup
2) Honey
40ml Planteray 3 Stars 👉️ 50ml Planteray OD
20ml Planteray OD 👉️ 15ml Cazcabel Honey Liqueur
25ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Orange Juice
15ml Lime Juice
25ml Passion Fruit Puree + Syrup
3) Pineapple & Vanilla
40ml Planteray 3 Stars 👉️ 50ml Planteray Stiggins Pineapple
20ml Planteray OD 👉️ 15ml Licor 43
25ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Orange Juice
15ml Lime Juice
25ml Passion Fruit Puree + Syrup
4) Xaymaca & Almond
40ml Planteray 3 Stars 👉️ 50ml Planteray Xaymaca
20ml Planteray OD 👉️ 15ml Amaretto
25ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Orange Juice
15ml Lime Juice
25ml Passion Fruit Puree + Syrup
5) Cherry
40ml Planteray 3 Stars 👉️ 40ml Planteray 3 Stars
20ml Planteray OD 👉️ 20ml Dutch Barn Black Cherry Vodka
25ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Orange Juice
15ml Lime Juice
25ml Passion Fruit Puree + Syrup