Weekend Round-Up - 07/01/2019
Just the one event this weekend to ease me in to January. I think the Friday would've been a bit hopeful, considering NYE was only 4 days ago. But on Saturday, I was rocking out an 18th Birthday. This was a repeat booking for Sarah. I originally did Ben's 21st for her, now this was her Twins big 18th Birthday. Sort of a Local one for me. About 45 mins Up the road, near Thrapston, between Huntingdon and Kettering.
The event was an All-inclusive Cocktail Party, for about 35-40 people and a mixture of Half really polite, friendly and outgoing 18-21yos...and Half Adults there to "Keep an eye on them"...aka to get involved in Cocktails and Gins!
When Sarah booked me back in October, she also asked if I knew any Casino people. Well of course I did. So, I hooked her up with good Friend and without doubt, one of the best Casino people in the UK, Cathy at Funky Casinos. Just look at her Social Media...those LED Tables!! Not to mention their personalities. She's normally in tow with her right-hand lady, Tess, and both of them together are just flippin brilliant. I've already seen Sarah's Testimonial to them! They went down a storm.

For my part of the service, I laid on a Cocktail and Gin Bar. The Menu chosen by the twins consisted of their Favvies...
Long Island iced teas
Mai Tai's
My Blood Orange Spritz
And my awesome Winter Spritz.
However, no Pornstars!! 😳. Still managed to sneak them in though! 😂😂
For the Gins, I was just using up my last few from previous Gin Videos. The favourite of the night was the Boe Violet, but not paired with my recommended Lemon Tonic, not Lemonade either. No, they went for the Mediterranean Tonic.
There were no out and out Favvies to be honest. And in true 18yo fashion, they went with the motto, let's just start at the top and work down the list. The guys were loving the Long Islands, the Mojitos and the Mai Tai's. The Girls were loving both the Spritz's, the Brambles...and the odd cheeky Long Island.
Sarah has the perfect house for this kind of event. I was set up in the Kitchen Diner, with my own little utility washroom. Cathy, Tess and their Blackjack and Roulette Tables were set up in the other end of the House in the Living/Party Room. I had plenty of room for the Bar and a Table, and to keep all the ice, plenty of spare booze and washing up completely out the way. That's how I like it.
Also, as I mentioned on my Instagram feed. I got quite a few Ice comments too. Now it comes naturally to me. I'm making different cocktails, so I need different Ice. Crushed for Mojitos and Brambles. Cubed for Normal cocktails. And large cubes for the Spritz’s and Gin Balloons. I think it's normal. But it amazes people. Just because I'm Mobile, I'm not going to let standards slip. Just having 1 type of Ice isn't going to work for me.

Anyway, thought I'd add that in there. Even if you're not hiring me and opt for a different company. Make sure they have their standards. Being mobile isn't an excuse to not serve Awesome drinks.
Final shout out to India! When we’re out on our Events, us suppliers rarely get those all-important images to post to our social Media Profiles. So India, being an absolute star, grabbed my phone and snapped away grabbing loads of pics for Me and Cathy! Thank you India!!!!!!