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Brandy Cocktail Recipes - "Bee-Randy" Honey & Pineapple Cocktail

In this Brandy Cocktail Recipes Video, I've created an amazing Brandy based Cocktails with Honey and Pineapple and one of my YouTube Members, Ross Barber has called it the Bee-Randy. This Brandy Cocktail Recipe is amazing. The Honey Notes come from a Honey Tequila and that goes alongside my favourite brandy, Seven Tails Brandy which is a blend of Brandies, Cognacs and Armagnacs. This is the perfect Brandy to make Easy Brandy Cocktails at Home!

What is your go-to Brandy Drink? And I don't mean neat, I mean brandy mixed. I'm a big fan of Brandy & Ginger, but I also do love playing about with Cocktails and this is so simple. Brandy for me mixes with most things, especially fruit, because don't forget Brandy is made from Grapes! The Brandy Ingredients below work really well together, so I hope you enjoy this simple Brandy Cocktail!

Honey & Pineapple Cocktail

Let me know what you think about this recipe. And if you make it, make sure you tag me on Instagram or Facebook.


(Named by Ross Barber)

15ml Giffard Pineapple Liqueur

30ml Lime Juice

2 Dashes Ms Betters Chocolate Bitters


Garnish Pineapple

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