Captain Morgan has just launched a new flavour extension.
Welcome Captain Morgan Tiki, a new Pineapple and Mango flavoured "Rum". Well i say Rum but at only 25% abv, it's more at the Liqueur end of the spectrum. But none the less, even though it will get a torrent of abuse from "Rum Fans", the clever person will ignore this and take it at face value.
You see this is what "Rum Fans" normally miss about Captain Morgan drinks. Captain Morgan doesn't even pretend to aim its brand at these people. Instead, it positions itself at the Fun Drinks end of the market. And guess what, because of this, it's the biggest selling Rum Brand worldwide!
So what is this Tiki extension all about?!
Well in my opinion, Diageo (the Distributors) have done a VERY clever thing releasing this. Why??
Because Diageo already pretty much owns the Summer Serve Market in the UK. It owns Pimms which is the biggest Summer Drink hands down. It owns Gordon's Pink Gin, which outsells (or did) all other Pink Gins by 5:1. So that's 2 categories coming. Now they look at the likes of Halewoods coming with their Dead Mans Fingers Rum Brand with a few new Flavours... Mango and a Lime have just literally dropped as i'm writing this. literally, 2 hours ago! So what do Diageo do?! Release a Summer Rum Drink to cover the Rum Category, because they couldn't really do it with Morgans Spiced as it's been around Decades. And while it's massive, it still would never compete with Pimms or Gordon's Pink. Even in a Spiced Rum boom, as a Summer Drink, Morgans Spiced has go not chance. The UK market just doesn't think of it like that. So Diageo needs a new product...and BOOOM here it is. Captain Morgan Tiki, served with Lemonade!
Very Very Clever!!
How do you drink Captain Morgan Tiki Rum?
Well as i've just mentioned. Captain are promoting the Lemonade Serve on their bottles. And boy is that good. Simple. Fun. Innocent. Easy to make at home. Easy to bosh out in a Pub or Bar at break neck speed! Its just a Cash Cow for Pubs and Bars. Easy Money.
but what if you want to have a bit more fun with it? Some more simple serves? Or some Captain Morgan Tiki Cocktails? Well here you go...
Caribbean Passion
Hurricane Glass
15ml Passoa
15ml Amaretto
75ml Pineapple Juice
50ml Ting Grapefruit Soda
Add the first 5 ingredients to a Cocktail Shaker with Ice. Shake Hard, then pour into a Highball Glass. Top up with Ting Grapefruit Soda
Hawaiian Pipeline Punch
Mason Jar
150ml Monster Pipeline Punch
Wedge of Lime
Build ingredients into a Highball Glass and Add Ice
Tiki Strawberry Colada
Pineapple Tiki Glass
75ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Lime Juice
Add all the ingredients to a Cocktail Shaker, Shake, Strain into a Pineapple Tiki Glass. Garnish

Rum Bongo
Tiki Glass
15ml Dead Mans Fingers Coconut Rum
10ml Grenadine
25ml Passion Fruit Purée
75ml Pineapple Juice
1 Lime Wedge
Add all the ingredients to a Cocktail Shaker, Shake, Strain into a Tiki Glass. Garnish
Tiki Roots
150ml Levi Roots Caribbean Crush
2 Wedges of Lime
15ml Blue Curacao
Build the Ingredients into a Highball Glass Except for the Blue Stuff. Fill with Ice and Stir. Drizzle Blue Curacao over the Top!