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Rockstar Spirits; Pineapple Grenade and Grapefruit Grenade

A Spiced Rum Review

At this precise moment in time. Rockstar Spirits is a portfolio of 3 Rums owned by Thomas Hurst. A larger than life, fun loving Drinks aficionado from Oooop Norf in Manchester.

He’s been around a long time. I’ve known him from probably 2012...although I really struggle to pin it down. Alls I remember it was at Imbibe Live and he was throwing Old J down my neck. You see, back in those days, he was part of LWC and heading up there Signature Brands. In other words, launching Old J spiced rum to the masses that craved the old Sailor Jerry recipe.

Pineapple Grenade and Grapefruit Grenade Spiced Rum
Pineapple Grenade and Grapefruit Grenade Spiced Rum

Since that day he was largely responsible for adding flavour variants to the range, and of course, my loyal fans will recognise the Infamous Tiki Fire. At 75.5% abv spiced rum.

There was another role after LWC (Charles Wells I do believe, but don’t hold me to that) before his dreams were realised in November 2018. The launch of his own brand “Rockstar Spirits” aptly named, and his foray in to the mental side of the Rum World, with Pineapple Grenade. A 65% Spiced Rum flavoured with Pineapple and Salted Caramel.

Now. Notice at the top I said “at this moment in time”. Well. That’s because currently there’s 3 Rums... Pineapple Grenade. Grapefruit Grenade. And a tamer 38% Two Swallows Spiced Rum. However word on the street is there’s a Cherry Two Swallows about to drop real soon.


Buy The Rums

(All the Tiki Glassware links can be found below)


Even though Pineapple Grenade has been on the scene since November 2018, it kind of went undetected until the famous Holly moment on This Morning back in June. Her reaction to trying was amazing and instantly lead to Amazon selling out...and in fact most stockists Selling Out...less than 3 days later. That put Rockstar on the Map. It’s also brought in investment to up production. And is also helping them bring more flavours.

Sourcing the Rums and how they’re made...

Unlike the majority of Spiced Rums on the market...not only is the base liquid pretty damn decent, but they also are not shy about telling you it’s origins.

It’s shipped in from Guyana and the Diamond Distillery. The very same Distillers behind my Favvy Rum of all time... El Dorado and their 12yo.

Upon reaching UK shores, it’s then spiced up with Rockstars secret blend, pretty much guaranteeing there’s Lime, Ginger and Cinnamon at the very least. Then when spicing is complete, the flavours are added.

Pineapple Grenade; Obviously Pineapple and then Salted Caramel.

Grapefruit Grenade; Grapefruit and Honeycomb.

Two Swallows; if just their plain “easy drinking” Spiced Rum.

How to drink them...

Well. You can watch my Video below to see how I thought they worked as Simple Serves. (Scroll to 13:15 if you just want the Mixers)

But I’ll tell you my out and out 2 Favvies.

With the Pineapple Grenade, I 1000% recommend Schweppes Muscovado Dark Spirit Mixer. The 2 were just made to go together! So flippin tasty!

With the Grapefruit Grenade, I loved Coke Zero the most.

But you can see all the other Mixers I tried too in the video.

Cocktail Video

And, in the second Video, you can see 5 cocktails too. These are starting points!

Because I love these Rums so much, I’ll be doing a lot more with them over the future months. I love my Dead Man's Fingers Spiced Rum too. Especially with their Cornish Heritage. But, I’ve rather quickly developed a soft spot for These Grenades. They’re just Fun in a Bottle.

Cocktail Recipe #1


- 35ml to 50ml Grapefruit Grenade Spiced Rum (

- 20ml Lime Juice (

- 10ml Sugar

Cocktail Recipe #2


- 35ml to 50ml Pineapple Grenade Spiced Rum (

- 35ml Pineapple Juice

- 20ml Lime Juice (

- 15ml Sugar Syrup

- 50ml to 75ml of Ginger Ale.

(I used Buzzbee’s as it wasn’t quite as sweet)

Cocktail Recipe #3


- 35ml to 50ml Grapefruit Grenade Spiced Rum (

- 20ml ODK Lime Juice (

- 5ml Sugar Syrup

- 10ml Bols Orange Curacao (

Cocktail Recipe #4


(a flip on Trader Vic’s Grog recipe)

- 35ml to 50ml Pineapple Grenade Spiced Rum (

- 25ml Pressed Pineapple Juice

- 20ml Passion Fruit Syrup (

- 6 drops of Elemakule Tiki Bitters (

Cocktail Recipe #5


- 35ml to 50ml Grapefruit Grenade Spiced Rum (

- 15ml Campari

- 10ml Sugar Syrup

- 75ml Pressed Pineapple Juice


Buy the Glasses

Nick and Nora Glass -

Coupe (Martini... aka Babycham Glass) -

Tiki Old Fashioned Glass -

Tiki Hiball (20oz) -

Tiki 14oz HiBall Glass -

Tiki Ceramic Luau Mugs 5 Pack -

Tiki Ceramic Tropical Mugs 5 Pack -

5x AMAZING Cocktails you can make with Pineapple Grenade and Grapefruit Grenade Spiced Rum
5x AMAZING Cocktails you can make with Pineapple Grenade and Grapefruit Grenade Spiced Rum

My Links



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